Noblest Ambient Air Vaporizer
The Ambient Air Heated Vaporizer leverages natural air convection to warm cryogenic liquids (such as LOX, LIN, LAr, LCO2, LNG, LC2H4, LPG, etc.) within heat exchange tubes, ensuring they fully evaporate into gases. This state-of-the-art, energy-efficient heat transmission equipment stands out for several compelling reasons:
★ Power-Free Operation: No energy consumption, no pollution, environmentally friendly.andenvironmentalprotective
★ User-Friendly Installation: Easy setup and convenient maintenance.installing, convenientmaintaining
★ Patented Material: High-efficiency aluminum material for superior heat exchange, lightweight, and highly durable.aluminum material for heat exchanging, highly effective, light weight design, andendurable
★ Professional Design: Effortlessly removes ice, ensures continuous long-term operation.creameasy, continuouslongoperation
★ Aesthetic and Functional: The bridge-style connecting component is not only visually appealing but also eliminates stress caused by thermal expansion and contraction.bridgestyleconnectingcomponentseespretty, andalsocaneliminatethestressthathasbeengeneratedbecauseof theexpandingbyheatingandtheshrinkingbycooling.
★ Optimized Flow Design: By optimizing the flow, the stress is significantly reduced, deflection is eliminated, and flow speed is maintained within safe parameters.designofoptimizingtheflowinghasloweredthestressintothelowestlever, andeliminatedthedeflectionphenomenon, andthenitcancontrolthespeedof flowingwithinsaferange
★ Advanced High-Pressing Technology: Incorporates sophisticated techniques for high-pressure pipe fabrication.andcomplextechniqueofhigh-pressingpipeOur specialized cryogenic technology makesthevaporizer function seamlessly underpressingconditions. The high-quality pipehasasufficient
contactwiththeheatexchangingpipe, andensurestheefficiencyofheatexchange.
★ Allthevaporizer'smanufacturingandcleaning processesaremeticulously performed accordingtothestandardofoxygenservice,whichismuchsafer forusage.
★ Designconditions: temperature-20ºC, relative humidity 70%, continuous usetime not less thaneight hours.
★ Remark: Elements that influence the vaporization volume include: cycle of working, environmental temperature,humidity, height above sea level, wind power, illumination, the appliedpressure,proximity tobuildings, etc.