Noblest Ambient Air Vaporizer
The ambient air heated vaporizer leverages the natural convection of air to heat cryogenic liquids such as LOX, LIN, LAr, LCO2, LNG, LC2H4, and LPG within heat exchange tubes, effectively transforming them into gases. This high-efficiency, energy-saving heat transmission equipment offers numerous advantages:
★ Zero power consumption, no pollution—green and environmentally protective.andenvironmentalprotective
★ Easy installation and convenient maintenance.installing,convenientmaintaining
★ Patented, highly efficient aluminum heat exchange material—lightweight, durable, and incredibly effective.aluminum material for heat exchanging,high effective,light weight design,andendurable
★ Professionally designed for easy and continuous ice removal, ensuring long-term operation.creameasy,continuouslongoperation
★ The aesthetically pleasing bridge-style connecting components eliminate the stress caused by thermal expansion and contraction.bridgestyleconnectingcomponentseespretty,andalsocaneliminatethestressthathasbeengeneratedbecauseof theexpandingbyheatingandtheshrinkingbycolding.
★ Optimized flow design minimizes stress and eliminates deflection, maintaining fluid flow at safe levels.designofoptimizingtheflowinghaslowedthestressintothelowestlever,andeliminatedthedeflectionphenomenon,andthenitcancontrolthespeedof flowingwithinsaferange
★ Advanced and complex high-pressure techniques.andcomplextechniqueofhigh-pressingThe pipeis meticulously engineered and makestheentire system function seamlessly, even underpressingconditions. The pipeis designed to ensure it hasasufficient
contactwiththeheatexchangingpipe, andensurestheefficiencyofheatexchanging is optimized.
★ Allthevaporizer'smanufacturingandcleaning processesare conducted strictly accordingtothestandardofoxygenservice,whichismuchsafer forusage.★ Design
conditions: temperature-20ºC, relative humidity 70%, continuous usetime not less thaneight hours.★ Remark: Elements that influence the vaporization volume include the cycle of working, environmental temperature,
humidity, height above sea level, wind power, illumination, and the pressure used.Please also consider the proximity ofnearbybuildings, etc.