Noblest Ambient Air Vaporizer
Our Ambient Air Heated Vaporizer leverages the power of natural air convection to efficiently heat cryogenic liquids (such as LOX, LIN, LAr, LCO2, LNG, LC2H4, LPG, etc.) in the heat exchange tubes, ensuring their complete evaporation into gases. This high-efficiency, energy-saving heat transmission equipment stands out due to its remarkable features:
★ Zero power consumption with no pollution, offering a green andenvironmentallyfriendlysolution.
★ Easy installation and convenientmaintenance.
★ Patented, highly efficientaluminum materials for exceptional heat exchange, resulting in a lightweight, effective, anddurable design.
★ Expert design for easy de-icing, ensuringcontinuous andlong-lastingoperation.
★ Thebridge-styleconnectingcomponents not only lookaesthetically pleasing, butalsoeffectivelyeliminatestresscausedbythermalexpansionandcontraction.★ Optimizedflowdesign reducesstresstominimal levels, eliminatingdeflectionandcontrollingflow rate within
safelimits.★ Advancedandcomplexhigh-pressurepipetechniques forsuperiordurability.
interactionwiththethermalexchangesystem, andguaranteesthehighefficacyofthermal transfer.
★ Allthevaporizer'smanufacturingandcleaning processesadherestrictlytothestandardsforoxygenservicemakingthemfarsafer foroperation.
★ Designconditions: temperature-20ºC, relative humidity 70%, continuous operationtime not less thaneight hours.
★ Remark: Factors influencing vaporization volume: operational cycle, ambient temperature,humidity, altitude, wind speed, light exposure, pressure,proximity tobuildings, etc.